Aussie and former La Grange racer, Jonathan Cantwell, wins the Pro 1-2 race. Jose Blanco (far right) took 4th. (Photo Brian Hodes)

Michael White (left) and Rob Langone (Red Sox fan)

Marc Thomas leads Luis Acosta in turn two.

Nick Gillock

Joel Bertet.

D.S. Joe Pugliese contemplates adopting Michael Ball's "Win or you're fired" motto.

Cat 4-5 team (Left to right) Team Principal Joe Pugliese, Michael White, Jeff Tuttle, Chad Tulloch, Peter Brandenberg, Robert Clouthier, Jaycee Carey, Marc Thomas, Joel Bertet, Mike Carlson, Mike Capalbo, Luis Acosta, Rob Langone, and Quinn Hatfield.
Pro 1-2
6. Jose Blanco
12. Danny Kam
30+ 1-3
3. Armin Rahm
18. Marco Fantone
40+ 1-3
10. Armin Rahm
12. Lee Ziff
30+ 4-5
8. Rob Langone
9. Michael White
11. Chad Tulloch
Cat 5
17. Bobby Close
Cat 4
5. Rob Langone
11. Luis Acosta
20. Michael White
11. Lee Ziff
20. Bruce King
Women 1-3
11. Jennifer Weinbrecht
14. Morgan Kapp
20. Cathy Keeley
4. Mario Seri
Jeffery Tuttle ? # 1
ReplyDeleteMark Capalbo? ? # 2
Who was the dude in the UCLA shorts in the 4-5 race?