Monday, February 15, 2010

Roger Milliken Memorial Crit

Amy holds a meeting before the women's race.

Amy fixes a flat before the race.

Katie Donovan and Sara Painter were part of a 4-woman break that stayed away the entire race.

Morgan tried to bridge to the leaders.

Jennifer Weinbrecht's first race for La Grange.

Anna Drakulich took 2nd in the field sprint behind Beatriz Rodriguez.

Lee Ziff took 5th in the 50+ race, also raced in 35+ and 45+.

David Cranston

Danielle Marie. This was her first race ever. She rode well and learned a lot. She rocked teeny shorts, a steel bike with click-shifters and Chanel shades.

Danielle Marie and Mimi Sheean.

New Cat 5's Peter Brandenberg, Bobby Close, Robert Clouthier, and Chad Tulloch.

New Masters 60+ racer Michael Edwards.


Cat 1-2
2. Eder Frayre
14. Danny Kam
29. Joseph Patterson

Cat 4
16. JJ Lopez
24. Luis Acosta

Cat 5
18. Bobby Close
24. Chad Tulloch
33. Robert Clouthier

30+ 4-5
11. JJ Lopez
27. Brian Pera
30. Jason Strzelczyk
32. David Gibson
37. Peter Brandenberg
46. Chad Tulloch

3. Raul Frias
13. Victor Ayala

28. Tom Fitzgibbon
29. Richard Kim
50. Lee Ziff
51. David Cranston

5. Lee Ziff

19. Michael Edwards

Women 3-4
15. Mimi Sheean
26. Danielle Marie

Women 1-2
4. Sara Painter
6. Anna Drakulich
17. Morgan Kapp
25. Cathy Keeley
26. Jennifer Weinbrecht

Morgan tries to bridge to the leaders...

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