Saturday, February 27, 2010

Callville Bay Classic + Ontario GP

Sara, Melinda, Anna, and Court. (Coutesty Anna Drakulich)

Floyd Landis leads Victor Ayala around a curve. (Courtesy Veloimages)

Danny Kam, Joseph Patterson, and Stu Press lead the field on the Star Road Race Stage.
(Photo by Brian Hodes


Star Road Race 2-25-10

Pro 1-2
3. Alfredo Cruz
11. Eder Frayre
20. Luis Zamudio
41. Victor Ayala
46. Joseph Patterson
56. Danny kam
67. Stu Press
68. Michael Herdman

TT 2-26-10

Pro 1-2
10. Luis Zamudio
14. Alfredo Cruz
22. Eder Frayre
52. Joseph Patterson
54. Michael Herdman

Women 1-3

5. Courtney O'Donnell
9. Melinda Weiner
12. Anna Drakulich
14. Sara Painter

Cat 5
13. Ricardo Salazar
32. Robert Clouthier

Road Race 2-27-10

Pro 1-2
2. Alfredo Cruz
12. Luis Zamudio
36. Stu Press
48. Eder Frayre
53. Joseph Patterson
54. Mchael Herdman

Women 1-3
2. Anna Drakulich
12. Sara Painter
17. Courtney O'Donnell
27. Melinda Weiner

Cat 5
20. Ricardo Salazar
33. Robert Clouthier

Criterium 2-28-10

Pro 1-2
12. Luis Zamudio
19. Alfredo Cruz
20. Michael Herdman
23. Danny Kam
24. Victor Ayala

Women 1-3
6. Courtney O'Donnell
7. Sara Painter
8. Anna Drakulich
21. Melinda Weiner

Cat 5
24. Robert Clouthier
25. Ricardo Salazar


Pro 1-2
4. Alfredo Cruz
10. Luis Zamudio
28. Eder Frayre
37. Joseph Patterson
39. Stu Press
42. Michael Herdman
43. Victor Ayala
44. Danny Kam
DQ Raul Frias

Women 1-3
5. Courtney O'Donnell
10. Melinda Weiner
13. Anna Drakulich
14. Sara Painter

Cat 5
16. Ricardo Salazar
31. Robert Clouthier


Pro 1/2
11. Jose Blanco

Women 1-5
5. Jennifer Weinbrecht
9. Cathy Keeley

Cat 4/5
5. Luis Acosta

Jr 17/18
2. Roberto Rodriguez

Women 4
11. Anne Cuizon

50+ 1-4
15. Lee Ziff
41. David Cranston

Dinuba, Simple Green, and Imperial Classic results

Gustavo Mendez at the Simple Green Crit (Photo by Rabobank Tony)


Pro 1-2
16. Jeremy Dixon

5. Jeremy Dixon


Pro 1-3
13. Victor Ayala
15. Luis Zamudio

2. Victor Ayala

Junior 17-18
4. Roberto Rodriguez


Pro 1-2
14. Raul Frias

Cat 4
6. Rob Langone
9. Luis Acosta

30+ 4/5
3. Rob Langone
17. Chad Tulloch

30+ 1-3
14. Danny Kam
16. Raul Frias

40+ 1-3
8. Armin Rahm

Cat 5
14. Bobby Close
19. James Chao

Women 1-3

11. Anna Drakulich
12. Morgan Kapp

10. Mario Seri
15. Michael Edwards

Monday, February 15, 2010

Roger Milliken Memorial Crit

Amy holds a meeting before the women's race.

Amy fixes a flat before the race.

Katie Donovan and Sara Painter were part of a 4-woman break that stayed away the entire race.

Morgan tried to bridge to the leaders.

Jennifer Weinbrecht's first race for La Grange.

Anna Drakulich took 2nd in the field sprint behind Beatriz Rodriguez.

Lee Ziff took 5th in the 50+ race, also raced in 35+ and 45+.

David Cranston

Danielle Marie. This was her first race ever. She rode well and learned a lot. She rocked teeny shorts, a steel bike with click-shifters and Chanel shades.

Danielle Marie and Mimi Sheean.

New Cat 5's Peter Brandenberg, Bobby Close, Robert Clouthier, and Chad Tulloch.

New Masters 60+ racer Michael Edwards.


Cat 1-2
2. Eder Frayre
14. Danny Kam
29. Joseph Patterson

Cat 4
16. JJ Lopez
24. Luis Acosta

Cat 5
18. Bobby Close
24. Chad Tulloch
33. Robert Clouthier

30+ 4-5
11. JJ Lopez
27. Brian Pera
30. Jason Strzelczyk
32. David Gibson
37. Peter Brandenberg
46. Chad Tulloch

3. Raul Frias
13. Victor Ayala

28. Tom Fitzgibbon
29. Richard Kim
50. Lee Ziff
51. David Cranston

5. Lee Ziff

19. Michael Edwards

Women 3-4
15. Mimi Sheean
26. Danielle Marie

Women 1-2
4. Sara Painter
6. Anna Drakulich
17. Morgan Kapp
25. Cathy Keeley
26. Jennifer Weinbrecht

Morgan tries to bridge to the leaders...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valley of the Sun Stage Race

Court O'Donnell and Melinda Weiner (photo courtesy of Court O'Donnell)

TT Results:

Women 1-2
12. Courtney O'Donnell
13. Melinda Weiner

Cat 5
30. James Chao

Road Race results:

Women 1-2
16. Melinda Weiner
17. Courtney O'Donnell

Cat 5
12. James Chao

Criterium Results:

Women 1-2
10. Melinda Weiner
16. Courtney o'Donnell

Cat 5
12. James Chao


Women 1-2
12. Courtney O'Donnell
13. Melinda Weiner

Cat 5
18. James Chao

Sunday, February 7, 2010

San Diego Race Weekend

Anna Drakulich at the front. (Photo Dennis Gonzalez)

Michael White, Joe Pugliese, Nick Gillock, and Jaycee Carey after the Boulevard Road Race.



Cat 1-2
5. Luis Zamudio
10. Alfredo Cruz
19. Eder Frayre
24. Stu Press
25. Victor Ayala

Cat 3
16. Roberto Rodriguez

Cat 4
4. Nick Gillock
11. Jaycee Carey
16. Joe Pugliese
32. Michael White

Cat 5
4. Jeffrey Tuttle
15. Ricardo Salazar

Collegiate Women A
1. Courtney O'Donnel
3. Sara Painter


CAT 1-2
5. Raul frias
6. Danny Kam
10. Jose Blanco
38. Eder Frayre
39. Alfredo Cruz
41. Victor Ayala

Cat 3
31. Lee Ziff
35. Roberto rodriguez

Cat 4
18. Joe Pugliese
39. Skylar Nelson

Cat 5
28. James Chao

37. Lee Ziff

14. Lee Ziff

15. Michael Edwards

Collegiate Men A
6. Joseph Patterson

Collegiate Women A
4. Courtney O'Donnell
7. Sara Painter

Women 1-3
11. Anna Drakulich
15. Sara Painter
17. Courtney O'Donnell

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Santa Barbara Race Weekend

Raul Frias scored 2 top tens at Mothballs.

Lee Ziff took 4th in the 30+ 3/4 Mothballs Crit.

The Cat 4 team (Skylar, Joe, Marc, JJ) warm up in the La Grange tent.

Morgan Kapp, and Anna Drakulich (pictured) spent Saturday at ADT.
(All photos jacked from facebook and twitter)



30. Stu Press

Cat 4
7. Joe Pugliese
10. Skylar Nelson

Cat 5
8. Ricardo Salazar

Women 1-2
1. Courtney O'Donnell
3. Sara Painter


Pro 1/2

3. Raul Frias
10. Danny Kam
16. Joseph Patterson

Cat 4
15. Luis Acosta

4. Raul Frias
28. Stu Press

10. Lee Ziff
36. Richard Kim
41. David Cranston

9. Mario Seri

30+ 3/4
4. Lee Ziff