Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tour of the Gila April 28 - May 2

Courtney O'Donnell tackled this 5-day stage race all by herself. She rocked several kit and sock combinations. (pic by Court O'Donnell)

Stage 1 Sliver City to Mongollon 73.1 miles
22nd place

Stage 2 Inner Loop Road Race
18th place 18th overall

Stage 3 Individual Time Trial
23rd place 18th overall

Stage 4 Silver City Criterium
29th place 18th Overall

Stage 5 Gila Monster Road Race
13th place 15th Overall

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chuck Pontius Crit April 25


Cat 1-2
4. Jason Bausch
6. Michael Herdman
10. Armin Rahm
38. Gustavo Mendez
43. Raul Frias

Cat 4
7. Luis Acosta
21. Chad Tulloch
68. Robert Clouthier

6. Jason Bausch
13. Armin Rahm
31. Tom Fitzgibbon
42. Dan Ries
49. Joel Bertet

13. Mario Seri

Cat 5
7. Jorge Palamara

40+ 3/4
9. David Cranston
19. Tom Fitzgibbon

Women 1-3
5. Anna Drakulich
18. Melinda Weiner
21. Cathy Keeley

Women 3
7. Mimi Sheean

Devil's Punchbowl April 24

Jaycee Carey and Skylar Nelson in the Cat 4 race.

Jose Blanco and Victor Ayala in the Pro 1-2 race.


Pro 1/2

6. Alfredo Cruz
20. Victor Ayala
21. Gustavo Mendez
23. Jose Blanco

Cat 3
25. Roberto Rodriguez

Cat 4
3. Skylar Nelson
4. Jeffrey Tuttle
54. Jaycee Carey
73. Jeff Miskimins
77. Edward Smith

12. Stu Press
19. Marco Fantone
27. Alan Bub
28. Armin Rahm

Cat 5
34. Mark Martinet
36. Tim Rizzi

40+ 4/5
39. Derek Baak
59. Michael Roe

Torrance Crit April 18


Pro 1-2
5. Jason Bausch
14. Michael Herdman
33. Raul Frias

Cat 4
37. Nick Brandeau

35. Jennifer Weinbrecht

6. Mario Seri
13. Micheal Edwards

Women 1-3
3. Jennifer Weinbrecht
9. Anna Drakulich

De Vlees Huis Ronde RR April 18


Cat 4
47. Jaycee Carey
54. Edward Smith

21. Marco Fantone
28. Alan Bub

9. Fred Haim

5. Nick Gillock
27. Moshe Ovadya
29. Michael Roe

Women 3/4
6. Jocelyn Pogue
18. Anne Cuizon

Monday, April 19, 2010

San Diego Cyclo-Vets Omnium



Cat 4
34. SkylarNelson

10. Michael Edwards

Women 1-4
4. Courtney O'Donnell

Collegiate Men A
1. Joseph Patterson

Collegiate Women A
1. Courtney O'Donnell

Road Race

Cat 4
4. Sylar Nelson

Collegiate Women A
1. Courtney O'Donnell
2. Sara Painter


Cat 4
8. Skylar Nelson

Women 1-4
13. Courtney O'Donnell

Dana Point Grand Prix April 11

Roberto Rodriguez continued his great season coming in 5th.

It was Melinda Weiner's first race back after a hamstring injury.

Jennifer Weinbrecht just missed a podium finish, comming in 4th.

Team Capt. Amy Hutner avoided the last corner crash and finished 21st.


Pro Cat 1
25. Eder Frayre
31. Michael Herdman
55. Gustavo Mendez
Victor Ayala
Raul Frias
Danny Kam
Armin Rahm
Luis Zamudio

29. Thomas Fitzgibbon
40. Dan Ries

Cat 2
30. Stu Perss
Jose Blanco

Cat 3
5. Roberto Rodriguez

Cat 4
9. Joe Pugliese
11. Luis Acosta
14. Jeff Miskimins
31. Jeff Tuttle
46. Rob Langone
47. Chad Tulloch

Cat 5 (a+b)
33. Michael Roe
37. Jack Vincent
39. Bobby Close

Women 1-3
4. Jennifer Weinbrecht
21. Amy Hutner
27. Melinda Weiner

Killer Cove TT April 10

Cat 5
13. Michael Roe

Cat 4
12. David Gibson

Pro 1-2
10. Luis Zamudio
25. Jose Blanco

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rest in Peace, Jorge

These are the last pictures I ever took of Jorge. They are from the Bahati Foundation Team Presentation on March 10, 2010. It was an awesome night. I was so happy for Jorge, and he was the only one who found time to talk with me that night.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

UCLA Road Race & TT

Courtney O'Donnell rockin the UCLA colors.


Men 35+
3. Marco Fantone
4. Alan Bub

Cat 5
25. Edward Smith

Cat 4
14. Nick Gillock
16. Skylar Nelson
33. Peter Brandenberg
34. Jaycee Carey
37. Ricardo Salazar
44. Jeff Miskimins
48. Michael Banley

Women A
1. Courtney O'Donnell
2. Sara Painter

UCLA Time Trial

Women A
1. Sara Painter/Courtney O'Donnell

CBR Dominguez Hills #4 + Ontario #2

Rob Langone scored two 2nd places with the help of team Capt. Joe Pugliese at Dominguez Hills. (Photo courtesy Aoki Photography)


CBR Dominguez Hills #4 April 4

Pro 1-2
8. Jason Bausch

30+ 1-3
11. Stu Press

40+ 1-3
2. Armin Rahm

7. Michael Burditt

30+ 4-5
2. Rob Langone
3. Joe Pugliese
6. Chad Tulloch

Cat 4
2. Rob Langone
4. Joe Pugliese
19. Luis Acosta

Cat 5
4. Jeffrey Tuttle
16. Jorge Palamara
19. Edward Smith

Women 1-3
3. Jennifer Weinbrecht
14. Cathy Keeley

Ontario GP #2 April 4

Pro 1-2
9. Danny Kam
44. Gustavo Mendez

Cat 3
41. Roberto Rodriguez

Jr Men 17-18
7. Roberto Rodriguez

11. Mario Seri
14. Michael Edwareds

30+ 1-4
2. Danny Kam